01 Nov 2018

What are the Best Questions to ask your Psychic?

Getting a reading from a psychic reader is a special experience, and one that you want to make the most of while you are there. You need to be well prepared for it, with an open mind and a willingness to listen to and work on the spiritual guidance or advice that the psychic offers. […]

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04 Oct 2018

What NOT to Ask Your Psychic Reader

There are a lot of resources online that tell you what to ask your psychic reader. “Am I on the right path in my career?” “Is this year going to bring me success and happiness?” “What about my relationships, both love and friendship – should I be doing more to make them more fulfilling?” These […]

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01 Jul 2018

What to Expect from a Phone Psychic Reading?

If you have had experience with psychic readers, you know already that there is a certain level of comfort and connection that you look for from the reader. He or she will reach out to you at a spiritual level, and offer you advice or guidance based on your personality and your spiritual needs. Therefore […]

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31 May 2018

Email Psychic Readings Vs. Face-to-Face Psychic Readings – What Works Best?

Face-to-face psychic readings were the norm in earlier days, and people had to meet with the medium or the psychic directly and ask them their questions in order to get some clarity about their lives. However, in the modern age, with the advancement of technology, psychics too have taken advantage of the ease that technology […]

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