23 Jun 2014


Sometimes change is the best thing that can happen to you. It may just be lifting you out of a rut. Wishing you all happy changes. Amen!

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30 Mar 2014


Which door do you get drawn to today, door 1 or door 2? Door 1 is the door on the left and door 2 is the door on the right which appears as bigger doors. I love this photo as the green gives off a feeling of healing.  Here are the guidance messages channelled by […]

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26 Feb 2014

Significance of 11:11

I often see 11:11 which is a very powerful number. Its symbolism is that the angels are trying to signal lightworkers to wake up and act on their missions and aspirations. It can also mean you may be burning the candle at both ends and need to bring balance back into your life, whilst still […]

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19 Jan 2014

Spirit Connections

When reading for my clients I do have loved ones passed over who step into a reading. I don’t “call” anyone. but when I am in session, they know that I’m a channel at that time and if they want they can come forward. So these last few days the connections have been running very […]

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14 Jan 2014

Smile :)

Even if you aren’t feeling particularly happy, start smiling a lot and nod your head every now and then. For one it will trick your mind into thinking there must be a reason to feel happy so it will up the endorphin’s and secondly it might just annoy the hell out of some others who […]

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12 Aug 2013

Mili’s Day Out

Sunday turned out to be a gorgeous day. The sun was smiling, the birds were chirping and we decided to harness the Aussie spirit and go for a long drive. We rugged up quickly and put our pure-breed labrador Mili in the car. We drove to Healesville and then went for a walk with Mili. […]

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30 Dec 2012

Another soul dies, RIP Nirbhaya, India’s daughter, The Braveheart

As posted by me on Facebook, RoosySpirit page: I had to write these words today as my heart has been too full of emotion. I hope you will spare a few minutes to read what I have written. Please keep these candles burning for Nirbhaya ( fearless ) “India’s daughter”, “the Braveheart”…Share if you Care! […]

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21 Dec 2012

21st of December 2012 has arrived and all is well :)

The day has dawned and its finally 21/12/2012. Last night before I slept, I had an uncanny feeling I will hear the sound of birds chirping and I kept seeing a clock with 5 on it. Guess what! I woke this morning while it was still dark and you know what woke me? The most […]

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20 Dec 2012

Just Before 21/12/2012

Personally I feel it will be like any other day. I am not in favour of anyone trying to fill dread about these doomsday prophecies. Don’t let anyone scare you or fill you with doom and gloom. We will all go when we are destined to go, not a moment earlier. Sending you all much […]

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