04 Oct 2018

What NOT to Ask Your Psychic Reader

There are a lot of resources online that tell you what to ask your psychic reader. “Am I on the right path in my career?” “Is this year going to bring me success and happiness?” “What about my relationships, both love and friendship – should I be doing more to make them more fulfilling?” These are all good questions to ask your psychic in Melbourne, and he or she may also be able to give you answers that give you more direction and purpose.

However, no one really tells people what NOT to ask the psychic. There are some questions you just don’t ask the psychic reader, simply because it puts them in a tight spot, and does not help them give you a response that could be satisfying or even clear enough for you. Any leading psychic in Melbourne will tell you that there are some questions that hinder the process of the reading, and will only make you lose hope in ever finding the spiritual guidance you actually need.

So what should you really be asking your psychic reader, and what questions should you avoid?

  1. Avoid questions that check their psychic abilities: “How many fingers am I holding up?”; “Tell me something about myself that nobody knows, or a secret that I haven’t told anyone” – these are all questions or statements that are best avoided when you go for a psychic reading. It is not only rude to question the abilities of a psychic or demand that they prove their abilities, but it is also a waste of time and money. Basically, you receive no benefit out of the session.
  2. Predicting the future is not the objective: What we all really want to know is when we will meet THE ONE, or when we will become rich and buy that big house and the fast car, or – the most important question of all – when and how will we die? But these are not questions that even the best psychic in Melbourne will be able to tell you, as he or she is not in the business of predicting your future. Also, if they do tell you what could happen, there is no guarantee that you will like what you hear. It is better to seek the spiritual guidance to face whatever path your life takes.
  3. Talking to spirits, ghosts and asking them questions: Not every psychic makes a claim to clairvoyance, and they need not either. Each psychic is led to help people in their own way, and you should respect that. Going to them with a specific, rigid expectation in mind is going to be detrimental to the progress of your session. There are many types of psychics, including those who do email psychic readings, aura cleansing, energy healings and even tarot readings in Melbourne. Depending on their leading, psychics offer the help they can for your queries.
  4. “Tell me what I should do”: Again, just like your psychic cannot tell you exactly when particular events are going to happen in your life, he or she cannot also tell you what specific decisions to take in certain on-going issues in your life. They can tell you what kind of decisions you could take that would best suit your personality, your aura, or the unique circumstances in your life at that moment. However, you cannot hold them responsible for telling you exactly what to do. Psychics can guide you towards making taking control of your life, and making the decisions for yourself, for owning them, and ultimately finding joy in them.


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